Friday, March 28, 2008

A shadow...

I am a shadow... a shadow of a human being. They call me colorless, absurd and boring. I follow my human being wherever he goes... changing my shapes as he passes by various shapes and figures. I just follow him in whatever he does, wherever he goes... but never asked him why? Perhaps I was destined to follow him or perhaps it was never my destiny to question his deeds.

He kept forgetting my existence. So many times I cried behind him, became larger than life for him... shrank my self smaller than him... but he was just the rituals he called... Life. Following his dreams... may be bigger than his life, his own existence. There was a spark in his eyes whenever he dreamt and that spark gave me a belief in a better future.

Those days, he was changing... observing me closely... taking notice of little changes in me... the way I played with myself when I passed through the fence of a park, the way I changed myself when I jumped into a open window, the way I got enlarged at evening, the way I was... it made me happy... I played with myself more often. I kissed every pebble I found in the way...

Things were good... still there was something missing, I didn't know what that was... he laughed when he was alone as he used to. He was still dreaming some dreams... but he was looking into me.. something was making me deeply uncomfortable... and I was not able to put a finger on it... wait... those eyes... they were not wet... neither were they are dry.. but where was that spark?

One day we talked... finally. He said that he loved me, my existence... I felt proud... I grew darker from the feeling of that love. Still he had a question in his eyes. I asked him why? He hesitated, said, "you are never with me when the moments are dark... when there is no light... when there is a bright hot sun over my head... you are no where... then why should I trust you?"

That day was a cloudy day... I felt like loosing all my intensity. I wept through the entire night... and people called them dew on the grass. In the morning the weight of being questioned was all over me. Still I followed him as I always did. He was still looking into me... but the stiffness in those eyes was not soothing. A cool wind was blowing all over me... but the effect was not one that heals.

I felt like yelling at him and telling him that when there was no light, it was me who was all around him... to take care of him... to make him see what he is not able to see in day light... in the hot summer... I was hidden inside him... I need a shelter too... I am not Almighty... I need support too... but there is no sense... I am not destined to question him... perhaps I am just a shadow of a human being.

1 comment:

Dustbin der Gedanken said...

Nice words.. coming in flow..